Thank you!
by Stacey on Apr.14, 2011, under Thoughts and Feelings
Thank you so much for watching over me. I appreciate more than you will ever know. The BS drama has stopped (as far as I am concerned) from the CRAZY one in PA. You must have really gotten to her for what she was doing. The things that she was saying were completely out of line and she really needs to get herself some help. Even now that you are gone, she is STILL obsessed with you. I feel sorry for Wesley! He seems to be the only ‘normal’ one in that house. I hope he escapes too before he ends up with the same fate that you had.
We miss you so much. Tomorrow is sister’s birthday and you are not here to call her and sing to her. You are not here to send her a message on facebook or text her and tell her Happy Birthday. I’m so sad for her. She misses you so much and sometimes I think she does not know what to do without you. Please continue to watch over her. She needs you and if this is the only way that you can be with her, then please don’t leave her again.
I love you so much. I have been thinking about you alot and wish that I could turn back time to August 3rd. I wish that you would have called me or messaged me to let me know how you were feeling. I would have come to get you with no questions asked. I would have helped you get out of that crazy house and bring you here where you should have been all along. At least you would still be alive. There are so many people here who love you and would love to have you back.
I know that you can see them, but you should SEE how big your baby sisters are getting! Sheridan is getting ready to go into middle school! Can you believe it? Remember when she was born. You were such the good big sissy. Always wanting to help with her and wanting to hold her and play with her, even though she was only 2 weeks old! You used to say to me ‘Mommy, where’s the baby? Mommy, can I feed the baby? Mommy, can I hold the baby?’ I think you would have been happy that Christmas with just your baby sister. And then there is Tee. She is getting so big, and the bigger she gets, the more she looks like you. It’s like you are still here with us, but in her. She is such a funny little girl. Very Random! Much like you!! She will just start talking about things that no one was talking about. It makes me laugh sometimes.
Thank GOD for all of your sisters. Without them, I would have just dug a hole next to you and would have gone with you. Some days, I am surprised I am still here. Seeing them everyday definitely is a reason for me to keep on going. That is all I can do.
Rest my sweetheart. I love you…always have, always will