Rain Rain~
by Stacey on Mar.21, 2011, under Thoughts and Feelings
Thank you for the rain baby….it was much needed and it made me wake up this morning and try and look at things in a different way, but I do have to tell you that I am tired of being threatened by CRAZY like you were. I love how she throws her attorneys name around and stating that she has gone to the police. I had dealt with those threats most of the time you were alive and now I still have to deal with them now that you are gone. I find it ridiculous that I just cannot have the opportunity to mourn you without her insane behavior always coming in to play. Why doesn’t she understand that everyone deserves the right to mourn you and to say the things that we want. She acts like she is all about not having your word silenced, well what about the rest of us? Last time I checked it was a free country and there is a thing called the freedom of speech! Any who how (that is so stupid by the way, I know you would never say anything like that) let her try and prove that I did anything wrong!! If you put something on the internet, then it’s free reign!!! DUH!! Not to mention the fact that they have pictures that I took of you up on that joke site! Funny that she does not state that I took the pictures. It’s funny that a few days ago she couldn’t afford the attorney, and now all of the sudden they are making a trip over to see him! Oh, ok….Did you just pull the 20k out of you ass? WHATEVS!!!!
I miss you sweetheart. I miss you so much. I think about when you were a baby an how sweet and adorable you were. It’s funny that you were so skinny when you grew up because I used to call you my chunky monkey when you were a baby because you were so fat!!! you were adorable and I just cannot believe that you had such a tortured soul my baby.
I love you…..don’t ever forget that…..I know you can see the truth…..