I refuse to give in…..
by Stacey on Dec.02, 2010, under Thoughts and Feelings
Your life was so precious and you meant the world to me, your SISTERS, Brett, your grandparents and your stepdad. Everyone else does not matter or count in our world. This is about YOU, not us or anyone else. While WE are struggling with you being gone, YOU are no longer in pain…YOU are away from the craziness that was your life that brought you to the lowest point that you caused you to do what you did. You are at peace now and no one can EVER hurt you or make you feel badly about yourself ever again! You know what the truth is now, and that is all that matters. You are seeing for yourself what is going on and what has happened. I know you don’t believe what is being said because you can see it clearly.
Some days are harder than others. Some days I don’t realize what day it is and other days I smile because 19 years ago I got to hold you and care for you and love you in the way that only your REAL mother can. No one will ever be able to take that away from me. Just because someone adopts you, that does not mean that you were never my child. I got to carry you for 10 months (yes 10….3 weeks late). I got to hold you for the first time and got to feed you and love you. NO ONE else! I am the lucky one that got to experience all of that.
It’s all going to be ok baby. One day we will all be together again and we will talk about everything. I will tell you things that you did not know before. All the truth has come out….Even Brett knows all the truth and we have accepted him into our family since the family that took you away turned their backs on him.
We love you sweetheart….always and forever <3